St. John the Divine SVG


We are a growing Christian Community in Wheeling, WV, and a local parish of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.

FAQ Section Parallax

Do I have to be Greek to attend?

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Are children welcome at your services?

When are your regular services?

Where are you located?

Can I receive Communion?

What is the Orthodox Church?

Who is Saint John?

How do I join?

Parish Life

Our choir is a traditional, antiphonal Byzantine choir. ‘Antiphonal’ means that there is both a left and right choir that alternate. We chant from music written in Byzantine notation. Our chanters have put in a lot of effort to bring this ancient tradition to America. Come and listen! It sounds like nothing else on earth.
Altar Servers
Altar servers mystically represent the Angels serving around the heavenly alter of God. We are blessed to have a large group of young men desiring to serve God in this way.
Open Door
Twice a month (Tuesdays at 5:30 PM), our parish offers a hot meal to those in need in our community. This is only possible through the dedication of our parishioners who help serve, purchase groceries off the clock, and put in the time required to cook 100+ meals. When the weather gets colder, we also offer jackets, socks, hats, and other winter apparel to those who need it.
Sunday School
We have a thriving Sunday School program here at St. John’s. From September to May, our children (pre-k - 12) learn about various aspects of the Orthodox Christian faith and grow closer to God.
Our church is full of youth! From September to May, we have monthly gatherings for high school students and grade school. Our children share in food, fun, and fellowship at these gatherings.
Vacation Church School
Every we offer a three-day program for our youth in the middle of the summer. They learn about a chosen Orthodox topic, learn to chant the beautiful hymns of the Orthodox Christian Church, and share in fellowship and communion with one another.
Adult Religious Education
We offer three seasons of adult education. During the Fall, Fr. Demetrios offers an in depth lecture series on contemporary cultural issues. In the winter, we do a book study, which is more discussion-based and centers around one book, and in the Summer we have Bible Study. These happen Wednesday nights at 6:30 PM, after Paraklesis.
Men's Ministry
Our men’s ministry provides religious education, deep spiritual conversation, and true communion between the adult men of our parish, led by Fr. Demetrios. Our men also carry out group service projects as needed and decided by the ministry.
Bookstore & Youth Library
The Orthodox Christian Faith is infinitely deep and profound, and the world could not contain the number of books that can be written on it. Nonetheless, spiritual reading is a very important aspect of the faith. The learning does not stop at Baptism! To this end, our popular bookstore and newly instituted Youth Library serve the further education of our parishioners.
Reaching out a helping hand. The Philoptochos Society, which means “friends of the poor”, is an important ministry in every Greek Orthodox parish. Our mission is to promote charitable, benevolent, and philanthropic outreach to the needy, the poor, the sick, and the elderly. We joyfully contribute to St. John the Divine’s Open Door Ministry which serves our local neighbors. As stewards of the Philoptochos Society, we are committed to helping those in need locally, regionally, and nationally. Saint Photini, the Samaritan Woman at the well with Christ, is the Areti Chapter’s patron Saint.
Baking Group
Our baking group gets together consistently throughout the year to prepare traditional pastries for our annual bake sales. This is a great way to spend time and grow together in fellowship while also supporting philanthropic needs and charitable giving endeavors.
Young Adults
Our young adults (20s and early 30s) gather together for fellowship and fun.
Church Fellowship
At times in the middle of the week we gather together to break bread.
Calendar Section Parallax

October 2024


Who We Are

The Faithful
We are a warm, welcoming parish who strive to put Christ and worship first. We are a growing community of families and we hope you soon become a part of it.
Our Bishop
His Eminence Metropolitan Savas of Pittsburgh is our dear bishop. He oversees 52 parishes in the Metropolis of Pittsburgh and is our church family’s spiritual Father and Archpastor. We loved celebrating the Liturgy with him in late September and eagerly await his return.
Our Priest
Fr. Demetrios Tsikouris is the parish priest of our church. The church is a family, and he is our father and spiritual guide. He was ordained in 2014 by His Eminence Metropolitan Savas of Pittsburgh and has been serving here since.